What to do in the garden in March

What to do in the garden in March

March is such an exciting month! There are seeds to sow, new plants to choose, and spring to enjoy. Here are a few of the jobs you can get on with this month:

General tasks:

  • Get flower beds ready for the year ahead by scattering general fertiliser between plants and mulching with well-rotted manure or soil improver.
  • Treat lawns for moss by applying moss killer, available from our garden centre here in Bitton and Warminster.
  • Wait a few weeks, then rake it out.

Ornamental gardens

  • Remove faded daffodil heads once they finish flowering to encourage good results again next year.
  • Finish pruning roses and water thoroughly before sprinkling rose fertiliser at their feet to get them off to the best possible start.
  • Sow seeds of hardy annuals like calendula and love-in- a-mist into prepared soil in a sunny spot.

Kitchen garden:

  • Plant out early potatoes towards the end of the month – cover the row with a double layer of horticultural fleece to protect them from frost.
  • Plant onion sets in a sunny, well-drained spot with the neck of each bulb just above the soil, allowing 12-15cm between each bulb.
  • Feed fruit bushes with sulphate of potash to encourage a bumper harvest.